pilates classes
Our Classes

Private Classes
By appointment only.
Observation is encouraged and is at no charge.
Please call or email the studio for further information.
Lessons with Anthony: $150
Lessons with Judy or Gaby: $95
All other Instructors: $75

Semi-Private Classes/Groups
Semi-Private classes are available as reviewed by Anthony.
Please call or email the studio for further information.
Lessons with Anthony: $85 each
Lessons with Judy or Gaby: $65 each
All other Instructors: $55 each

Mat Classes
Taught by Barbara Kibler: $25
Tuesday 6pm – Intermediate Level
Wednesday 8am – Mixed Level
Saturday 8am – Intermediate Level
Saturday 9am – Beginning Level
Kindly email the studio to sign up as space is limited.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday

Virtual Mat Classes
Taught by Anthony Rabara: $25
Saturday 9am – Intermediate to Advanced Level
Please email the studio to sign up.
Payment: For virtual lessons please pay through the mobile app, Venmo. Please send your payment to Anthony-Rabara. When you send payment for the first time, Venmo may ask you for the last four digits of Anthony’s mobile phone. Please enter 5878.
If Venmo is not possible, for clients outside the US, please use this PayPal link: paypal.me/rabarapilates

Virtual Cadillac Class
Taught by Anthony Rabara: $45
A special monthly 1 hour 15 minute class for Instructors.
Please email the studio to sign up.
Payment: For virtual lessons please pay through the mobile app, Venmo. Please send your payment to Anthony-Rabara. When you send payment for the first time, Venmo may ask you for the last four digits of Anthony’s mobile phone. Please enter 5878.
If Venmo is not possible, for clients outside the US, please use this PayPal link: paypal.me/rabarapilates
Once Monthly, TBD
I welcome you to visit the Anthony Rabara Studio for Pilates – Princeton
A Romana’s Pilates Training Studio